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Showing posts from December, 2021

Turning - the Soil

 Last Sunday, December 26, 2021, the last Sunday of the year, I was sitting in church, not our usual church campus, listening to the Pastor begin his sermon. He started talking about being on the verge of a new year. My mind wandered and I thought, God you haven't given me a word yet. Then I heard Him, "Turning - the soil." I thought what?! Again I heard it, "Turning - the soil, write it down." Of course me being me I thought that can't be God but I wrote it down (just in case). Side note: My rule concerning my "word of the year" is if it really is God speaking that word over me it will show up in the things I read or in my daily activities, it will come to mind repeatedly.   I will admit I was a little thrown off by this phrase. I have been asking God to give me a word that will define 2022, one that will grow me, comfort me in times of hardship, something I can offer to others when they need encouragement from a friend. I wanted a strong word, so